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My Favourite Year 2015

The year I received the most attention in school when I first started rapping. I made a ton of new friends, it was difficult the first year, but once I got use to the system, it was easy.

Evolution of the Legendary King

I've dramatically changed my design in 2015. Looks may be deceiving but swallowing your pride is the only way to achieve great stride. I used to have no hair before 2015, like buzz cuts, now I decided to grow my hair for a new style. Everyone goes through peer pressure, the only way to ease the pressure is to change your design.

Summer 2016 - Winter 2017

Out of all four seasons, my favorite is Summer because it's always that time of year when temperatures increase. I also made some new friends outside of school, like the pizza place at a plaza. In 2016, my first job was a stock boy, you always make new friends at work too. Winter is my least favorite season because of extreme cold temperatures.

Graduation 2017

2017 was a deceiving moment when grade 12 was my last year of high school. Graduation is the time where everyone goes their separate ways, like college, university, or a dead-end job. I'm going to miss my friends in high school, sometimes it's hard to say goodbye.

PROM 2017

Prom is the most memorable event to finish high school, taking thousands of pictures with friends, and hogging the dance floor. Then there's after parties, the best way to say goodbye to some of our friends, we may or may not see them again, depends on how strong our relationship is. I can always visit my best friends, and keep in contact with my other friends by social media to remember.

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